,BetaCRM是一个现代的、干净的、非常详细的可生产的UI工具包。我们设计并完全编码了195个漂亮的响应式网页和移动应用屏幕。 该产品非常适合任何SaaS项目、CRM管理仪表板、电子商务和销售管理。请看实时预览,探索所有可用的页面和屏幕,如果你有问题,请在评论中告诉我们。 我们花了几百个小时来节省你的时间、金钱,并帮助你比以前更快地验证你的产品想法。我们对这个版本感到非常兴奋,并期待着看到你用BetaCRM创造的东西️。 注意:本产品只包括完全编码的模板。如果你正在寻找Figma、Sketch等的可编辑设计文件,你必须在这里单独购买。
BetaCRM is a modern, clean and very detailed production-ready UI Kit. We designed and fully coded 195 beautiful responsive web pages and mobile app screens. This product is perfect for any SaaS projects, CRM Admin Dashboards, E-commerce, and Sales management. See the live preview to explore all pages and screens available and let us know if you have questions in the comments. We spent hundreds of hours to save you time, money, and help validate your product ideas faster than ever before. We’re truly excited about this release and looking forward to seeing what you create with BetaCRM ️ Note: This product includes fully coded templates only. If you’re looking for editable design files for Figma, Sketch, etc., you must purchase them separately here.