认识一下Bindle,这是一个功能齐全的网络预订UI工具包,可以让你的项目快速而轻松地开始。它有13个现代页面(39个屏幕),适用于Sketch、Figma和XD。它很容易从风格指南中进行定制,因此你可以根据需要快速更新颜色和排版。我们还创建了80多个可定制的组件和图标,以确保你的项目有定制和抛光的感觉。 * 使用的免费字体。Lato 好好享受吧!
Meet Bindle, a fully-featured Web Booking UI Kit that will get your project started quickly and easily. It has 13 modern pages (39 screens) for Sketch, Figma & XD. It’s easily customizable from the Styleguide so you can quickly update the colors and typography as needed. We’ve also created 80+ customizable components and icons to make sure your project feels custom and polished. * Free fonts used: Lato Enjoy!
本页地址:https://www.uime.cn/16106.html; 所有素材与文章均来自于互联网,经网友投稿后发布,如有侵权,请联系 99898566@qq.com。如果下载失败可提交工单哦。