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iMaterial Pro图标是为了帮助作为设计师的你加快工作流程,同时创造美丽的设计。它们主要是为iOS、Android和Web项目制作的,当然,也可以用于其他一切。    它们的形状来自于谷歌的Material Design系统,并由iOS更平滑的外观改造,所以它们成为两种语言的完美混合体。你有3种风格可供选择–浅色、普通和双色。所有这些都可以根据你的项目方向,通过调整角半径、笔画重量或颜色来定制。我们推荐的工具是Figma ️   它们是以像素的精度制作的,所以它们在任何屏幕上看起来都很清晰,并且已经应用了颜色样式。一切都在组件中,易于交换或寻找。此外,这是一个不断增长的集合,所以你可以期待终身免费的更新。   类别 – 基地 – 编辑 – 时间和日期 – 箭头 – 仪表盘 – 交通工具 – 通讯 – 媒体 – 文件和文件夹 – 商业和金融 – 沟通 – 外出活动 – 艺术和体育 – 夏季和海滩 – 冬季和圣诞节 – 露营  – 天气 – 健康 – 爱情 – 表情符号 – 杂项   3种风格 – 浅色 – 普通 – 双色调   软件包里有什么 – Figma文件 (2400个图标,网格,颜色系统) – 草图文件 (2400个图标) – IconJar 文件 (2400 个图标) – SVG 2400个图标 – PNG 2400 图标 (256w)   如果你对文件有任何反馈或问题,请随时在下面的评论区告诉我们。我们迫不及待地想知道你在哪里使用这些图标,以及你是否喜欢它们! 祝您在设计方面好运。

iMaterial Pro icons are built to help you as a designer speed up your workflow and create beautiful designs at the same time. They are primarily made for iOS, Android, and Web projects, but of course, can be used for everything else. Their shape is derived from Google’s Material Design system and remodeled by iOS smoother appearance so they became a perfect hybrid of 2 languages. You have 3 styles to pick from- Light, Regular, and Duotone. All of them can be customized based on your project direction by adjusting the corner radius, stroke weight, or colors. Our recommended tool is Figma ️ They are crafted with pixel precision so they look sharp on any screen, with already applied color styles. Everything is in components and easy to swap or find. Also, this is a growing collection so you can expect a lifetime of free updates. CATEGORIES – Base – Editor – Time & Date – Arrows – Devices – Transportation – Communication – Media – Files & Folders – Business & Finance – Home – Going Out – Art & Sport – Summer & Beach – Winter & Christmas – Camping – Weather – Health – Love – Emoticons – Misc 3 STYLES – Light – Regular – Duotone WHAT’S IN THE PACKAGE – Figma file (2400 Icons, Grid, Color System) – Sketch file (2400 Icons) – IconJar file (2400 Icons) – SVG 2400 Icons – PNG 2400 Icons (256w) If you have any feedback or issues with the file please feel free to let us know in the comment section below. We can’t wait to see where you use the icons and do you like them! Good luck with designing.

本页地址:https://www.uime.cn/16433.html; 所有素材与文章均来自于互联网,经网友投稿后发布,如有侵权,请联系 99898566@qq.com。如果下载失败可提交工单哦。



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