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,最后,它现在被发布了我们在Relax.io UI工具包的第二个(2.0)版本上花了不少时间,这并不容易,我们希望你会喜欢这个大规模的更新。   首先,我们要感谢每一位购买了该UI套件第一版的人。我们非常感谢你们的支持,这对我们来说意义重大,因为它使我们有机会继续生产伟大的设计产品。正如我们所承诺的,截至今天(2020年5月24日),所有购买了Relax.io UI工具包第一个(1.0)版本的人都可以免费使用第二个版本。你所要做的就是把购买的收据发到我们的邮箱里,siadesigntech@gmail.com,你就可以完全免费地获得第二个(2.0)版本。    那么,有什么变化呢?很多! 我们增加了90多个具有不同状态和互动的移动应用程序屏幕,这样你就可以跳过设计过程,直接进入项目的开发阶段,更快地推出你的产品。由于Relax.io 2.0的出现,现在可以做到了   我们为所有的屏幕设计了一个黑暗模式,除此之外,我们还对一些屏幕进行了原型设计,这样你就可以清楚地了解用户流程,这将有助于你加快产品的开发过程。我们还设计了6张App Store应用预览图,你可以用它来快速上传你的移动应用到App Store。   作为一个小小的奖励,我们还创建了一个简单的营销网站,你可以为你自己的产品使用。它拥有你所期望的一切,如功能部分、应用程序屏幕部分和一些行动呼吁按钮。   我们将高度感谢您的支持,如果您有任何问题,请不要犹豫,在下面的评论区与我们联系,或直接给我们发电子邮件:siadesigntech@gmail.com,我们将非常乐意帮助您。   *请注意,本产品中使用的插图不是我们创作的,我们只是从这个网站上简单地下载了这些插图,这意味着你在这个UI套件中只能得到’PNG’版本的插图。   *插图的版权归属。Craftwork。

Finally, it is released now! We have spent quite some time working on the second (2.0) version of the Relax.io UI kit, it was not easy and we are hoping that you will like this massive update. First of all, we would like to say thank you to everyone who has bought a copy of the first version of this UI kit. We really appreciate all your support and it means a lot to us because it gives us an opportunity to continue producing great design products. As promised, everyone who has bought a copy of the first (1.0) version of the Relax.io UI kit up until today (24th May 2020) gets free access to the second one as well. All you have to do is email us the receipt of purchase at siadesigntech@gmail.com and you will get the second (2.0) version absolutely for free. So, what has changed? A lot! We have added more than 90 mobile application screens with different states and interactions just so you would be able to skip the design process and move straight to the development stage of your project and launch your products much faster. Thanks to Relax.io 2.0, it is now possible! We have designed a dark mode for all of the screens, as well as that, we have also prototyped some of the screens just so you would have a clear understanding of the user flow which will help you speed up the development process of your products. We have also designed 6 App Store app preview images that you can use to upload your mobile app to the App Store faster. As a little bonus, we have also created a simple marketing website that you can use for your own products. It has everything that you would expect, such as features sections, app screens sections, and some call to action buttons. We will highly appreciate your support and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us in the comments section below, or email us directly at siadesigntech@gmail.com and we will be more than happy to help you. *Please note that illustrations used in this product were not created by us and we have just simply downloaded them from this website which means that you will only get ‘PNG’ versions of the illustrations with this UI kit. *Credit for illustrations: Craftwork.

本页地址:https://www.uime.cn/16533.html; 所有素材与文章均来自于互联网,经网友投稿后发布,如有侵权,请联系 99898566@qq.com。如果下载失败可提交工单哦。



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