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,144个图标包线框连接器是你的下一个设计系统、线框、网站或iOS和Android移动应用程序的完美选择。    它有更广泛的连接器库,非常适合作为你下一个项目的一部分。使用图标来创作全面的用户体验和线框文件从来没有这么容易。   这个图标包提供了完全的控制,以定制每个图标,使其成为你自己的。从线框图、网站、应用程序,甚至为你的设计系统,这套图标是实现成功项目的完美解决方案。     特点 – 与Figma、Sketch、Adobe XD和IconJar兼容。 – 颜色预设。包括3种颜色的预设 — 但所有的图标都是完全可定制的,可以在任何颜色中使用! – 格式和尺寸。24px x 24px – 包括PNG、SVG、PDF、FIG、XD和SKETCH文件 – 简化工作流程:以组件形式创建,并可作为Figma库使用,工作流程更快。 – 免费更新:接收免费更新和所有错误修复 – 移动准备:在您的下一个iOS和Android项目中直接使用完美的.svg和.pdf文件。 – 可定制:根据需要改变颜色和尺寸   —   在我们的UI8商店找到更多的图标包和其他你可能喜欢的产品 — https://ui8.net/users/tarful   —   更多的更新和信息,请在Dribbble (http://dribbble.com/perezfigueroa) 和Instagram (http://instagram.com/tarful)上关注我们。

144 Icon Pack Wireframe Connectors is perfect for your next Design System, Wireframe, Website or iOS & Android Mobile App. It has the more extensive library of connectors perfect to use as part of your next project. It has never been this easy to creative comprehensive UX and Wireframe documentation using icons. This icon pack provides full control to customize each icon to make it your own. From wireframes, websites, apps and even for your Design System, this set is the perfect solution to achieve a successful project. Features – Compatible with Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD and IconJar – Color presets: 3 color presets are included — but all icons are completely customizable to use in any color! – Formats and Size: 24px x 24px – PNG, SVG, PDF, FIG, XD and SKETCH files included – Streamlined workflow: created as components and ready to use as a Figma Library for a much faster workflow – Free updates: receive free updates and all bug fixes – Mobile ready: use perfect .svg and .pdf files right on your next iOS and Android projects. – Customizable: change colors and sizes as needed — Find more icons packs and other products that you might also like at our UI8 store – https://ui8.net/users/tarful — For more updates and info, follow us on Dribbble (http://dribbble.com/perezfigueroa) and Instagram (http://instagram.com/tarful)

本页地址:https://www.uime.cn/16864.html; 所有素材与文章均来自于互联网,经网友投稿后发布,如有侵权,请联系 99898566@qq.com。如果下载失败可提交工单哦。



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