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GamerX是一个现代的、干净的、非常详细的Web UI工具包,有150多个组件,分为18个类别,有500多个网站组合。   我们为所有正在创建电子竞技、游戏、流媒体网站或任何其他类似的现代网站的设计师创建了它。   桌面元素使用1200px宽度的12列Bootstrap网格,而移动元素使用375px宽度的4列网格。   所有的符号都被组织在一个单独的文件夹中,并具有像素级的细节。    通过购买这个UI工具包,你将得到3个Adobe XD文件。 1.基础元素–包含腰部布局、按钮、栏目、颜色、排版等。 2.布局–包含所有桌面和移动元素的排列、标记,并放置在 “资产 “中,以便快速和简单地拖放设计。 3.主题 – 包含一些预制的登陆页面,商店结账,画廊,关于我们,等等,适用于桌面和移动设备。   如果你需要任何帮助,请给我们发邮件:support@broworks.net   享受吧!   Broworks团队

GamerX is a modern, clean, and very detailed Web UI kit with 150+ components divided into 18 categories with 500+ website combinations. We created it for all designers that are creating eSport, Gaming, Streaming website, or any other modern website of that sort. 12 Column Bootstrap Grid with 1200px width is used for Desktop elements, and 4 Column Gird with 375px width for Mobile elements. All symbols are organized in a separate folder with pixel-perfect details. By purchasing this UI Kit, you’ll get 3 Adobe XD files: 1. Base Elements – contains gird layouts, buttons, columns, colors, typography, etc. 2. Layouts – contains all desktop and mobile elements arranged, labeled, and placed in “Assets” for fast and easy, drag, and drop designs. 3. Themes – contains a few pre-made landing pages, shop checkouts, gallery, about us, etc. for both desktop and mobile. If you need any help, send us an email: support@broworks.net Enjoy! Broworks Team

本页地址:https://www.uime.cn/17037.html; 所有素材与文章均来自于互联网,经网友投稿后发布,如有侵权,请联系 99898566@qq.com。如果下载失败可提交工单哦。



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