200个线框图块相互完美配合,用于快速制作企业网站的原型。 所有块都是基于符号的,模块化的,精心组织的,便于使用和定制。8个流行的类别被发现在最好的企业网站。标题、宣传片、页脚、评价、订阅表格、联系、合作伙伴和团队。 高质量的用户体验线框工具包,值得你收藏!!!Hellin移动线框工具包包括30多个独特的屏幕和50多个部分。
200 wireframe blocks perfectly fitting each other for rapidly prototyping a corporate website. All blocks are symbol based, modular, carefully organized for ease of use and customization. 8 Popular categories found on the best Corporate website: Headers, Promo, Footer, Testimonials, Subscribe forms, Contact, Partners and Team. High-quality UX Wireframe kit which is worthy to be in your collection!!
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