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新的有吸引力的Sheyla字体是专门为你创建的。简洁和结构化的设计与温和的手写字母的角落。构造精美,适用于许多用途,只受限于你的想象力。使用范围很广,从派对装饰到邀请函;从商业信函到缺席通知;从书籍或报纸的标题设计到杂志的标题等等(更多其他可能的设计,请参考下面提供的简短清单。   包装包括。    – 默认的亚历山大字体 该字体从小到大的任何尺寸都清晰可读。   灵感的可能用途的简短清单。 – 书籍封面或章节内的标题 – 海报或明信片设计 – 派对装饰品和祝贺卡  – 邀请函和商务信封 – 文本标题和图形主题设计 – 要有创意 – 在评论中提出这个复古时尚设计的排版引文的任何其他用途。让我们看看我们忘记了什么…

New attractive Sheyla typeface have been created for especially you. Concise and structured design with mild handwriting corners of the letters. Beautifully constructed and applicable to many uses limited only by your fantasy. Wide range of use could possibly be from party decoration till invitation letter; from business letter till absence notice; from design of heading in book or newspaper till headline in magazine etc (for more additional and possible designs, please refer to short list provided below. Pack include: • Default Alexandra Typeface The font is clearly readable from any size from small to big sizes. Short list of possible uses for inspiration: • Book covers or inside chapters section heading • Posters or postcards design • Party decorations and congratulation cards • Invitation letters and business envelopes • Text headings and graphic themes designs • Be creative – suggest any other uses of this vintage stylish designed typography quotes in comments. Let’s see what we’ve forgot…

本页地址:https://www.uime.cn/17279.html; 所有素材与文章均来自于互联网,经网友投稿后发布,如有侵权,请联系 99898566@qq.com。如果下载失败可提交工单哦。



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