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,v1.1 已更新 – 增加了8个新屏幕 – 增加了2个新的侧边栏变化   –    Treva UI Kit & Design System是一个终极的、更全面的设计系统。你的项目所需的一切都在一个地方!    从任务和项目管理、客户关系管理(CRM)、销售和社会媒体分析、知识库、消息和收件箱平台、注册/登录、创建表单、高级仪表板等,不断增长的组件列表将满足任何网络项目的需要所有组件都可轻松定制,以符合您的品牌风格。   这个独一无二的视觉语言是在考虑到可扩展性和灵活性的情况下创建的,它将帮助你完成你的下一个网络项目,从快速的原型到随时可以发货的用户界面。     V1.1版包含的内容 – 30多个类别的491个组件 – 179行图标包(是的,包括一个完整的图标包!)。 – 51个独特的屏幕 – 41种文字风格 – 7种海拔高度、阴影和形状样式 – UI风格指南 – 大量来自Unsplash的惊人图片     更多特点 – 与Figma兼容 – 矢量形状 – 简化工作流程:以组件形式创建,并可作为 Figma 库使用,以加快工作流程。 – 可定制:根据需要改变颜色、尺寸和样式 – IconJar 格式,包括用于图标包。 – 开放的路线图和免费更新 – 即将推出。Sketch, Adobe XD 和 InVision Studio     组件被分为34个类别 – 颜色 – 标识 – 头像 – 徽章 – 纽扣 – 按钮组 – 输入 – 选择 – 日期选择器 – 文本区 – 选择控件 – 步进器 – 分页 – 媒体滑块/旋转木马 – 标签 – 工具提示 – 面包屑 – 警报 – 手风琴 – 吐司 – 模板 – 时间轴 – 上传区域 – 菜单 – 搜索栏 – 导航 – 表 – 卡片 – 进度条 – 图表 – 高级统计 – 对话 – 日历 – 表格   —   如需更多的更新和信息,请关注我们 Dribbble http://dribbble.com/perezfigueroa Instagram http://instagram.com/tarful   此外,如有任何问题,请随时联系:team@tarful.com tarful.com

v1.1 Updated – Added 8 new screens – Added 2 new sidebar variations — Treva UI Kit & Design System is the ultimate and more comprehensive Design System. Everything you need for your project in one place! The ever-growing list of components will fit the need of any web project, from Task and Project Management, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Sales and Social Media Analytics, Knowledge Base, Messaging and Inbox Platform, Signup/Login, Creation Forms, Advanced Dashboards and many many more! All components are easily customizable to fits your brand’s style This one of a kind visual language was created with scalability and flexibility in mind, it will help you on your next web project, from quick prototypes to ready-to-ship User Interfaces What’s included in v1.1 – 491 Components in 30+ Categories – 179 Line icon pack (yes a Full Icon Pack included!) – 51 Unique Screens – 41 Text Styles – 7 Elevation, Shadow and Shape Styles – UI Styleguide – Tons of stunning images from Unsplash More Features – Compatible with Figma – Vector Shapes – Streamlined workflow: created as components and ready to use as a Figma Library for a much faster workflow – Customizable: change colors, sizes, and styles as needed – IconJar format including for Icon Pack – Open Roadmap and Free Updates – COMING SOON: Sketch, Adobe XD and InVision Studio Components are organized in 34 categories – Colors – Logotype – Avatars – Badges – Buttons – Buttons Groups – Inputs – Selects – Date Picker – Text Area – Selection Controls – Steppers – Pagination – Media Slider / Carousels – Tabs – Tooltips – Breadcrumbs – Alerts – Accordions – Toasts – Modals – Timelines – Upload Areas – Menus – Search Bar – Navigation – Tables – Cards – Progress Bar – Graphs – Advanced Stats – Conversation – Calendar – Forms — For more updates and info, follow us Dribbble http://dribbble.com/perezfigueroa Instagram http://instagram.com/tarful Also, please feel free to contact for any questions: team@tarful.com tarful.com

本页地址:https://www.uime.cn/17354.html; 所有素材与文章均来自于互联网,经网友投稿后发布,如有侵权,请联系 99898566@qq.com。如果下载失败可提交工单哦。



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