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第一个也是最大的一个用React开发的网络应用程序和仪表盘的设计套件,具有开放的路线图和每月更新。在第二个版本中,我们有60个新的屏幕,包括4个完整的概念性应用。所有这些都是基于符号和样式的。   全新的视觉语言在1440px网格上铺设。这个版本包含了Dashboard UI Kits 1.0和2.0中最需要的功能,并且完全采用了符号和样式。    首批15个屏幕也是以React模板的形式等待着你。在第一个版本中,我们引入了90多个React组件,以及普通的HTML和CSS和15个屏幕作为启动器。因为我们不想以任何方式限制你的开发,所以我们让你获得以现代方式构建的、依赖性最小的完整源代码,可以简单地集成到你当前的项目中。你可以导入已编译的代码,也可以立即在我们的开发栈上开始你的新项目。   → 第二版已于12月10日发布,我们正计划每月免费更新,并有完整的公共路线图,目的是在明年第二季度之前,有100个Sketch、Photoshop和XD的屏幕和60个React、HTML和CSS的屏幕。

The first and the largest design kit for web apps and dashboards developed in React with open roadmap and monthly updates. With second release we’re counting 60 new screens including 4 full conceptual apps. All based on Symbols and Styles. Brand new visual language laid down on 1440px grid. With the most requested features from Dashboard UI Kits 1.0 and 2.0 this version comes fully armed with Symbols and Styles. First 15 screens are waiting for you as React templates as well.All based on Symbols and Styles. With a very first release, we are introducing more than 90 components available in React as well as plain HTML and CSS and 15 screens as a starter. And because we don’t want to limit your development in any way, we are giving you an access to full source code built in modern way with minimum dependencies that is simple to integrate into your current project. You can import compiled code or you can start your fresh project on top of our dev stack immediately. → Release 2 is out from 10th of December and we are planning on free monthly updates with full public roadmap with the aim to have 100 screens for Sketch, Photoshop and XD and 60 screens available in React, HTML & CSS by Q2 next year.

本页地址:https://www.uime.cn/17560.html; 所有素材与文章均来自于互联网,经网友投稿后发布,如有侵权,请联系 99898566@qq.com。如果下载失败可提交工单哦。



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