Prototype https://www.figma.com/proto/U9Xry4OgOUZEHRYSAjPkRu/Read_Book?node-id=1%3A364&viewport=326%2C548%2C0.13365538418293&scaling=scale-down 1.简介 Book Lover是一个用于在线阅读书籍的应用程序。它就像一个关于书的在线商店,用户在那里购买书或购买会员套餐。阅读它,保存到收藏和其他事情上。 2.特点 65个屏幕 完全自定义和可调整大小 组织良好的图层使其非常容易更新 100%高质量的矢量图 模板中使用的所有字体可供下载。
Prototype https://www.figma.com/proto/U9Xry4OgOUZEHRYSAjPkRu/Read_Book?node-id=1%3A364&viewport=326%2C548%2C0.13365538418293&scaling=scale-down 1. Introduction Book Lover is an application that was made for reading book online. It’s like an online store about book where users purchase a book or buy a membership package. Read it, save to collection and other things with it. 2. Features 65 screens Fully customize and resizeable Well Organized layers makes it very easy to update 100% high quality vectors All fonts used in the templates are available for download.