现在就可以创建一个方便的医疗保健的医疗应用。下载UI工具包,为那些喜欢获得足够的睡眠,照顾他们的健康,以及管理药物和医生预约等事情的人创建一个应用程序 用户将能够保持跟踪和激励,坚持健身程序和饮食计划。 这个用户界面套件包括控制面板,上面有关于病人的所有必要信息,例如,身体参数和处方药物和程序。提供检查时间表和有用的建议,以及医疗费用控制。特殊功能是用户的个人曲线图,使他们能够监测健康状态的动态,并与他们国家的平均水平进行比较。 更重要的是,通过这个应用程序,用户可以在地图上看到最近的食品店,在那里他们可以购买健康食品。
A convenient medical app for healthcare is available to create now. Download the UI kit to create an app for the ones who prefer getting enough sleep, taking care of their health, and managing things like medications and doctor’s appointments Users will be able to stay on track and motivated to stick to a fitness routine and diet program. This UI kit includes the control panels with all the necessary information about a patient, for instance, body parameters and prescribed medicines and procedures. Check-ups schedule and useful advice are provided, as well as medical expenses control. The special feature is a user’s personal line graph that allows them to monitor the health state dynamics and compare it with an average for their country. What is more, with this app users can see the nearest food stores on the map where they can buy healthy food.