Myntra时装店/商店PSD模板是一个现代的设计理念,适合你的网上商店。PSD文件被很好地组织和命名,所以它非常容易定制,更新和建立任何类型的网上商店。总共包括22个PSD文件,所有字体都可以免费使用。 1.1版 – 于2018年9月5日发布。包括对UI和模板设计的改进;为了更好的结构,还对艺术板进行了重新设计和分组,增加了3个新的访问账户页面:在一个页面中登录和注册,登录和注册干净和现代的布局;并增加了2个新的静态页面:关于我们和联系我们。 下一步是什么?我们还在努力更新v1.2版本,其中也有新的改进和页面,如多步骤结账、提交订单前的结账预览、用户账户等等。
Myntra Fashion Store / Shop PSD Template is a modern design idea for your online shop. PSD files are well organized and named accordingly so its very easy to customize, update and build any kind of online shop. Total 22 PSD files have been included and all fonts are free to use. Version 1.1 – released on 05.09.2018. Includes improvements to the UI and template design; re-worked and grouped also with artboards for a better structure, added 3 new access account pages: login and register in one page, login and register clean and modern layout; and added 2 new static pages: about us & contact us. What is next? We also work to the update v1.2 which comes also with new improvements and pages as multiple steps checkout, checkout preview before submit order, user account, and much more..