,更新 V 1.0 ( 2020年1月8日) 每次更新本设计的价格将增加2美元。 ————————————————————————————– Hapnezz,是一个类似TikTok的短视频应用程序。 1.主页显示Hapnezz用户发布的内容。有2种内容,即普通内容和含有广告的内容。 2.挑战,该功能允许Hapnezz用户在挑战中做出贡献/捐款。用户也可以参与并获得奖励。最高票数将赢得挑战。 3.统计,该功能允许Hapnezz用户查看个人资料的访问量、最喜欢的内容和其他统计数据。 4.4.ETC
UPDATE V 1.0 ( 8 January 2020) every update this design price will increase by $ 2 ————————————————————————————– Hapnezz, is a short video application like a TikTok. 1. Homepage, shows contents published by Hapnezz users. There are 2 kind of contents which are Common Content and Content Containing Ads. 2. Challenge, This feature allows Hapnezz Users to contribute/donate into a challenge. Users are also able to participate and gain rewards. The highest votes will win the challenge. 3. Statistic, This feature allows Hapnezz Users to view data of Profile Visits, top Likes of Content and other statistics. 4. ETC