Slicons旨在使您的界面和演示文稿脱颖而出。通过像素完美的设计,图标在任何尺寸下都看起来很清晰。3种线重–浅色、普通和粗体,提供了根据排版和视觉重量使用图标的灵活性。 每个线重的300个图标都是在24像素的关键线格上创建的。整齐地组织Figma、Sketch和XD组件库和Iconjar文件。 接受新的图标请求。
Slicons are designed to make your interfaces and presentations stand out. With pixel-perfect design, icons look sharp at any size. 3 line weights – light, regular and bold provide the flexibility to use the icons according to the typography and visual weight. 300 icons for each line weight created on 24 pixel keyline grid. Neatly organised Figma, Sketch and XD component libraries and Iconjar file. Accepting new icon requests.
本页地址:https://www.uime.cn/19129.html; 所有素材与文章均来自于互联网,经网友投稿后发布,如有侵权,请联系 99898566@qq.com。如果下载失败可提交工单哦。