,The HOP! 动画包为你带来了16个新项目,供你学习和玩耍,是两个世界中最好的。 和前一版一样吸引人,有弹性,现在有更多的颜色来照亮我们的学习过程。 该包包括总共16个漂亮的栩栩如生的动画图标。有4种不同的格式。After Effects文件/视频文件(MOV)/PNG序列(1080 x 1080p)和GIF(400 x 400p)。
The HOP! Animated pack brings you 16 new items to learn and play with, the best of both worlds. As engaging and bouncy as the previous edition, now with even more colors to brighten up our learning process. The pack includes a total of 16 beautifully brought to life animation icons. Available in 4 different formats: After Effects Files / Video Files (MOV) / PNG Sequence (1080 x 1080p) and GIF (400 x 400p)
本页地址:https://www.uime.cn/19196.html; 所有素材与文章均来自于互联网,经网友投稿后发布,如有侵权,请联系 99898566@qq.com。如果下载失败可提交工单哦。