受时尚的启发,Modda是必备的高级移动UI工具包,包含50多个独特的应用程序屏幕。Modda包含了你设计、开发或制作你的电子商务应用程序所需的一切,甚至更多!在这个UI套件中,你将发现10个独特的应用程序屏幕。 在这个UI工具包中,你会发现10个不同的屏幕来展示你的产品,完整的结账过程,跟踪你的订单,设置,商店,商店和更多的屏幕… 它是为时尚电子商务设计的,所有的组件和屏幕都易于定制。所有的图形都是可缩放的,并以矢量为基础,精心命名和分组的层,以便于使用。使用的字体是免费的,来自谷歌字体。
Inspired by fashion Modda is must-have premium mobile UI Kit with more than 50+ unique app screens. Modda includes everything you need to design, develop or protype your e-commerce application, and even more! In this UI Kit you will find 10 different screens to showcase your product, full checkout process, screens to track your order, settings, store, shop and much more… It’s designed for fashion e-commerce, all components and screens are easy to customize. All graphics are scalable and vector based with carefully named & grouped layers for easier use. Fonts used are free and from Google Fonts.