处女座是一个优雅的PSD多用途模板,它的设计非常注重细节、灵活性和爱。Virgo是Spartak Vee的最新主题,包括30多个可使用的演示页面。目前,Virgo包括7个主页。机构、企业、创意、自由职业、组合、建筑、室内。 Virgo还包括20个通用的内部页面。关于、服务、作品集、博客、联系人、404页面、即将推出的页面、维护页面。预览中包含的图片仅用于演示,不包括在本产品中。
Virgo is an elegant PSD Multipurpose Template designed with terrific attention to details, flexibility and love. Virgo is the newest theme by Spartak Vee & includes over 30 ready to use demo pages. Right now Virgo includes 7 home pages: Agency, Corporate, Creative, Freelance, Portfolio, Architecture, Interior. Virgo also includes 20 Universal inner pages: About, Services, Portfolio, Blog, Contacts, 404 page, Coming soon page, Maintenance page. Images contained in previews are for presentation use only and are not included with this product.
本页地址:https://www.uime.cn/19688.html; 所有素材与文章均来自于互联网,经网友投稿后发布,如有侵权,请联系 99898566@qq.com。如果下载失败可提交工单哦。