Sharpicons是一个由2400个线条矢量图标组成的巨大捆绑包。��高品质的图标设计,即使在小尺寸下也看起来很清晰和详细。所有的图标都是在一个精确的32px网格系统上设计的。迅速而简单地改变颜色、线宽、大小和形状 2px轮廓和1px细节的组合确保了美丽和实用的效果。用我们美丽和现代的图标使你的项目大放异彩。以矢量形式下载我们的图标,包括单个Illustrator Ai文件和每个图标的艺术板的Ai文件。
Sharpicons is a huge bundle of 2400 line vector icons. ��High quality icons designed to look crisp & detailed even at small sizes. All icons are designed on a precise 32px grid system. Change the color, line width, size and shape quickly and easy A combination of 2px outlines and 1px details ensures beautiful and practical results. Make your projects shine with our beautiful & modern icons. Download our icons as vectors including single Illustrator Ai files and Ai files with art-boards for each icon.
本页地址:https://www.uime.cn/19731.html; 所有素材与文章均来自于互联网,经网友投稿后发布,如有侵权,请联系 99898566@qq.com。如果下载失败可提交工单哦。