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Bowcaster巨型图标包是用于线框、网站、应用程序和UI工具包的最广泛的图标集,有1200多个图标,它非常适合用于我们的下一个网络或移动项目。   这个图标包提供了一个完整的控制,以定制每个图标,使其成为你自己的。从线框图、网站、应用程序,甚至是你的设计系统,这个套装是实现一个成功项目的完美解决方案。   已经包含了3种颜色的预设,但你可以通过改变颜色和尺寸将它们定制为你自己的颜色   2.0版包括30个类别的1200多个图标,更多的图标将陆续推出这是一个不断增长的图标包,所有的更新都是免费的。     亮点 – 兼容Figma, Sketch, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, InVision Studio & Iconjar – 格式和尺寸。24px x 24px – 包含PNG、SVG、PDF、FIG、AI、XD、STUDIO和SKETCH文件 – 简化工作流程:以组件形式创建,并可作为Figma库使用,以加快工作流程。 – 免费更新:接收免费更新和所有错误修复 – 移动准备:在您的下一个iOS和Android项目中直接使用完美的.svg和.pdf文件。 – 可定制:根据需要改变颜色和尺寸     这个产品非常适合你,如果… – 你需要一个具有广泛使用场景的图标的压缩图标包 – 您正在创建网页或移动应用程序,需要一套完整的图标,作为其设计系统的一部分 – 想要创建线框和原型,以分享你的早期探索成果 – 想创建深入的用户体验流程,映射你的应用程序的每一部分 – 你想用一个时尚的、用户友好的图标包来更新你的产品     更新内容 – 2020年3月23日 – v2.发布! — 200多个新图标(总共1200多个图标,而且还在增加!)。 — 3个新类别(共30个   – 2019年10月21日 — v1.初次发布! — 1000多个图标 — 27个类别 — 3种风格(浅色、深色和特殊)。 — 当然包括Figma、Sketch、Adobe Illustrator、Adobe XD、Invision Studio和IconJar的版本 — 另外,还有.svg、.png和.pdf的版本     —   更多更新和信息,请关注我们 – Instagram http://instagram.com/tarful – Facebook http://instagram.com/facebook – Dribbble http://dribbble.com/perezfigueroa     此外,如有任何问题,请随时联系:team@tarful.com http://tarful.com

The Bowcaster Mega Icon Pack is the most extensive icon set for Wireframes, Websites, Applications and UI Kits, with 1200+ icons, it’s perfect to be used on our next web or mobile project. This icon pack provides a full control to customize each icon to make it your own. From wireframes, websites, apps and even for your Design System, this set is the perfect solution to achieve a successful project. 3 color presets are already included, but you can customize them as your own by changing the colors and sizes! Version 2.0 includes 1200+ icons in 30 categories, and more are coming! This is an ever growing icon pack, and all updates will be free! Highlights – Compatible with Figma, Sketch, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, InVision Studio & Iconjar – Formats and Size: 24px x 24px – PNG, SVG, PDF, FIG, AI, XD, STUDIO and SKETCH files included – Streamlined workflow: created as components and ready to use as a Figma Library for a much faster workflow – Free updates: receive free updates and all bug fixes – Mobile ready: use perfect .svg and .pdf files right on your next iOS and Android projects. – Customizable: change colors and sizes as needed This product is perfect for you if… – You need a compressive icon pack with icons for a wide variety of use cases – You are creating web or mobile app that needs a complete set of icons to be part of their Design System – Want to create wireframes and prototypes to share your early explorations – Want to create in depth UX flows that maps every part of your application – You want to refresh your product with a sleek and user friendly icon pack Updates – March 23, 2020 — v2. Release! — 200+ new icons (total 1200+ icons and growing!) — 3 new categories (total 30) – October 21, 2019 — v1. Initial Release! — 1000+ icons — 27 categories — 3 styles (Light, Dark and Special) — Including versions for Figma, Sketch, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD, Invision Studio and IconJar of course! — Also, available in .svg, .png and .pdf — For more updates and info, follow us on – Instagram http://instagram.com/tarful – Facebook http://instagram.com/facebook – Dribbble http://dribbble.com/perezfigueroa Also, please feel free to contact for any questions: team@tarful.com http://tarful.com

本页地址:https://www.uime.cn/20120.html; 所有素材与文章均来自于互联网,经网友投稿后发布,如有侵权,请联系 99898566@qq.com。如果下载失败可提交工单哦。



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