一个长期的畅销品。事实证明,在线条图标方面,LineKing是头号选择。也许是因为丰富的细节或独特的视觉执行……也许两者都是。这可能仍然是一个谜,所以我让你通过你使用它们的方式来讲述这个故事。 这个庞大的图标集被分为50个类别,每个类别由20个具有不同主题的符号组成。整个图标库由1000个图标组成,当我说1000个的时候,我是认真的。没有愚蠢的重复,不是在开玩笑!”。 但在进一步发展之前,先尝尝鲜,免费下载这80个额外的图标,这样,你最终总共有1080个图标。
A long-time bestseller. LineKing is proving to be the number one choice when it comes to line icons. Perhaps because of the richness in details or the unique visual execution… or perhaps both. It’ll probably remain a mystery, so I leave for you to tell the story by the way you’ll use them. The huge collection of icons are categorized into 50 categories, each consisting of exactly 20 symbols featuring various themes. The whole icons library consists of 1000 icons, and when I say 1000 I really mean it. No silly repetitions, no kidding! But before going any further, get a taste and download these 80 additional icons for free, so that you end up having 1080 icons in total.