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你是否曾渴望有一个易于实施且极其灵活的基础设计系统?你是否厌倦了浪费几十个(或几百个)小时从头开始构建新的设计系统或清理现有的系统?你是否对目前市场上的 “顶级 “设计系统的大量垃圾和无用的元素和风格感到沮丧? 如果你对上述任何一个问题的回答是部分肯定的,那么Inizio就是你问题的答案。在为大中型企业工作并创建了几十个设计系统之后,我清楚地知道创建一个坚如磐石的设计系统的过程是多么令人沮丧。这就是为什么我创建了Inizio,与目前市场上的其他设计系统相比,它是一场彻底的革命。在创建Inizio时,我的方法非常简单。我想让事情简单易行,让你在短时间内启动一个项目,并且有一个非常坚实的基础。Inizio一直是我的首选设计系统,并在3年的时间里不断完善。它是令人难以置信的轻巧,并允许以敏捷的方式进行设计。你准备好将你的生产力提高10倍,并将设计系统的问题抛在脑后了吗?如果答案是肯定的,Inizio就是你所需要的。   关于作者。   我的名字是Pierluigi,我是一名高级UI/UX设计师,有超过8年的与6、7、8位数公司合作的经验。在与初创企业、小型和大型企业打交道的过程中,我了解创建可扩展的、灵活的并能大规模实现你的目标的设计方案需要什么。你可以在https://www.pierluigigiglio.com/ 了解更多关于我的信息

Have you ever desired a foundation Design System that is easy to implement and extremely flexible? Are you tired of wasting dozens (or hundreds) of hours structuring new design systems from scratch or cleaning up existing ones? Are you frustrated with the amount of junk and useless elements and styles of the “top” design systems currently available on the market? If you even partially answered yes to any of these questions, then Inizio is the answer to your problem. Having worked and created dozens of design systems for medium and large enterprises I know exactly how frustrating the process of creating a rock-solid design system can be. That’s why I created Inizio, which is a complete revolution compared to the other design systems currently available on the market. My approach when creating Inizio has been very simple: I want to keep things simple and easy for you to kickstart a project in no-time and with an extremely solid foundation. Inizio has been my go-to Design System and has been refined over the course of 3 years. It’s is incredibly light and allows for an agile way of designing. Are you ready to boost your productivity 10X and leave design system headaches behind? If the answer is Yes, Inizio is what you’ll need. About the Author: My name is Pierluigi and I am a Sr. UI/UX Designer with over 8+ years of experience working with 6, 7 and 8 figure companies. Having had experience with startups, small and large businesses I understand what it takes to create design solutions that are scalable, flexible and accomplish Your goals at scale. You can learn more about me at https://www.pierluigigiglio.com/

本页地址:https://www.uime.cn/20878.html; 所有素材与文章均来自于互联网,经网友投稿后发布,如有侵权,请联系 99898566@qq.com。如果下载失败可提交工单哦。



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