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外面有很多好看的Sketch UI工具包–不幸的是,许多人并没有做到他们在罐子上说的那样,而其他的则需要数小时的定制。我们已经厌倦了下载令人失望的东西,或者在项目开始时匆匆忙忙地拼凑自己的东西。制作另一个UI工具包并不是答案,所以我们开始构建一个工具,可以作为未来每一个网页设计项目的基础。我们想要一个可以快速部署的系统,通过快速改变字体、颜色和风格来创造一个全新的设计。那是在2018年2月。6个多月来,我们一直在各种项目上构建、测试和完善它。创建这个工具已经花了很多时间,但它在设计过程的效率方面节省了更多的时间,我们认为其他设计师也会发现它很有用。把它看作是设计过程的基础,类似于Bootstrap在开发过程中扮演的角色(因此它的名字和默认样式–否则与Bootstrap无关)。它并不打算成为一个完整的UI工具包或设计系统,它的目的是作为一个设计项目的催化剂和一个强大的系统,可以从一个中心位置进行编辑和维护。不要指望一个有成千上万个组件的闪亮的UI工具包,Bootsystem带有一个默认的风格指南和Bootstrap的核心组件,但除此之外就是一张空白的画布。它的神奇之处在于利用了Sketch的原生功能(以及它的一些怪癖),让任何对Sketch有基本了解的人都能快速部署和维护一个定制的设计系统。它消除了设置Sketch文件的重复性工作,使设计师能够回到他们最擅长的领域–设计伟大的界面!

There’s a lot of great looking Sketch UI Kits out there – unfortunately many don’t do what they say on the tin and others require hours of customization. We grew tired of downloading disappointments or hastily knocking together our own at the start of a project. Making yet another UI kit wasn’t the answer so we set out to construct a tool that could serve as the foundation for every future web design project. We wanted a system we could rapidly deploy with a quick change of typefaces, colors and styles to create a completely new design. That was in February 2018. For over 6 months we’ve been building, testing and refining it on various projects. Many hours have been spent creating this tool but it has saved many more in design process efficiency, we think other designers will find it useful too. Think of it as the foundation for the design process similar to the role Bootstrap plays in the development process (hence the name and default styles – otherwise unaffiliated with Bootstrap). It’s not intended to be a complete UI kit or design system, it’s purpose is to act as a catalyst for a design project and a robust system that can be edited and maintained from a central location. Don’t expect a shiny UI kit with thousands of components, Bootsystem comes with a default styleguide and the core Bootstrap components but is otherwise a blank canvas. The magic is in the way it harnesses native Sketch features (and some of its quirks) to allow anyone with a basic understanding of Sketch to rapidly deploy and maintain a bespoke design system. It takes away the repetitive work in setting up a Sketch file, enabling designers to get back to doing what they do best – designing great interfaces!

本页地址:https://www.uime.cn/21128.html; 所有素材与文章均来自于互联网,经网友投稿后发布,如有侵权,请联系 99898566@qq.com。如果下载失败可提交工单哦。



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